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Different kind of modalities for leasing an apartment


It is for this reason that we would like to explain what kind of different contracts you can find nowadays, which ones allow you to rent the whole apartment or which ones let you just rent a room.

  • Sublease. So many people doubt about the sublease legality. We would like to let you know that it is completely legal. The lessee who wants sublease a room only needs the owner's permission write by hand on a letter. However, it is good to know that as a lessee you cannot sublease the whole apartment. There's only one condition: the lessee has to be living in the apartment the whole time he is subleasing it. The sublease's contract cannot be longer than the lessee's contract.
  • Shared rent. This leasing modality is nowadays the most common for students. The contract is pretty similar as an ordinary leasing contract; the only difference is that all the people who will rent it, their names and information contact must appear in the contract. Another difference is the payment method: we recommend to all the lessees to create a shared banc account where they can deposit their part of the rent. In case of one of the persons wouldn't pay, the rest of lessees have to be responsible to pay the lease.
  • Lease a room. In that modality has to be written in the contract what room is the one rented, the payment method, the room price and the contract duration. The contract will end automatically if the apartment is sold.

Now you know, if you don't want to lease the whole apartment you can also ask for these leasing options.

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