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Everything you need to know about usufruct


If the usufructuary is a natural person, the usufruct can be of a limited term, that is, its duration is stipulated, and, therefore, has an end (for example, 40 years), or it can be for the entire life of the usufructuary. In the event that this is a town or a society, the maximum duration may not exceed 30 years.

Normally, this concept is related to inheritance. Let's take an example to understand it! Imagine that of a family consisting of three members (father, mother and daughter) the mother dies. In the event that this was the owner of the house and her daughter had been assigned as the recipient of the inheritance (in this case of the house), the father, in the case of having been assigned as usufructuary, could enjoy the house up to his death (if this were stipulated in the inheritance) although this would always be that of the daughter.

Apart from inheritance (legal usufruct), there are other types of usufructs, such as voluntary and usufruct. The volunteer is characterized by the agreement between the interested parties and can be through a living agreement, for example, if someone buys a piece of land and assigns her child as usufructuary, or through a will. In the case of usufruct by usucapion, the property is acquired if specific requirements are met, such as, for example, that someone has owned the home for a long time.

Did you know that there were different types of usufructs?

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