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"Zen" decoration


Zen decoration is about a style based on Buddhism that aims to seek harmony between the body and the soul to calm the mind through the decoration of your home.

And, how do you decorate a home to make it Zen? Very easy! It is important that natural light predominates over artificial light. It is recommended to place large windows to have a greater view and connection with the outside. Likewise, you should bet on neutral colors to avoid the negative sensations of the most eccentric colors.

Another factor to take into account is that the furniture should be simple and not too ostentatious. In addition, all those objects that are not used on a regular basis should be eliminated so that what is in view does not influence thoughts or feelings.

Finally, it is advisable to decorate the house with candles and many plants to increase the connection with nature. In addition, to finish decorating the house in a totally Zen style, you can use materials such as wood, stone, bamboo, etc.

What do you think? Do you think it is a good type of decoration to live more relaxed and more in contact with nature?

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