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What are the conditions for selling an official protection property?


Official protection properties are real estate promotions declared by the public administration. They aim to guarantee the access of all people to decent housing.

Who can sell an HPO?

Although in principle every owner of an HPO can sell it, the apartment can only be sold if 10 years have passed since the acquisition date. In addition, the sale price of this property can't be higher than that established by law. But the sales requirements do not end here, since the HPO buyer must also meet some requirements to acquire it:

  • You must use the home as your usual residence.
  • You must not have other real estate owned.
  • Your income cannot exceed 5.5 times the IREM, an indicator that updates the Government.

Can an HPO be sold if it was purchased less than 10 years ago?

If the apartment has been purchased for less than 10 years, it may only be sold in the following cases:

  • Change of place of residence for work.
  • Increase in family unit members.
  • For needing of a member over 65 years.

If you decide to sell an official protection floor without complying with any of the requirements, you must return all help received in addition to the legal interest corresponding to the period.

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