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How to keep the home cool in summer


  • Close the blinds during the hot hours and open them only during the night. To keep the house cool without having to turn on the air conditioning you have to prevent the sun from entering the house. Closing the blinds allows you to precisely keep the shadow indoors and block the sun's heat.
  • Ventilate the house early in the morning and in the beginning of the night to let fresh air enter into the home.
  • Unplug electrical appliances that you don't use, since each of them generates heat. Avoid placing them in cohabitation areas and turn them off whenever possible. In this way, apart from keeping the house cool, you will save energy and money!
  • Replace incandescent bulbs, which give off 90% of their energy in the form of heat, for LED lights or low consumption bulbs. In this way, you will reduce the sources of heat.
  • Changing the sheets is more important than it seems. Winter is for flannel and summer for cotton, which allows perspiration and maintains freshness.
  • Avoid hot water whenever possible. This generates moisture and steam, which does not help at all to refresh.
  • Water the patio, balcony, terrace and/or garden every afternoon to refresh. Heat accumulates on the ground, and in this way you will be able to alleviate it a little. Regarding the interior floors, a trick is to scrub with cold water, leaving them a little wetter than usual.
  • Dress your home according to the time of the year. Save carpets and velvet. Use light colours or floral prints that provide more lightness and, although it seems unlikely, influence the sensation of heat.

If you pay attention to these recommendations, surely you will not suffer so much because of the heat!

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