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Ideas for adapting your home to the Montessori method


It is an educational method where children's freedom is defended, so that they can decide their own curiosities and thus encourage their personal development. In the Montessori method the stimulation of the environment is very important, that is why here are some ideas in case you are interested:

  • Adapt the furniture. It is much easier and cheaper than it seems. For example, you can opt to buy protectors to the corners of your table, instead of saying no every time he comes near.
  • Organization: It is important to always keep your child's things in their place, so when he wants to play or find them, he will know where he has to go.
  • Simplicity: Neutral tones are better than others that can cause them constant excitement.
  • Learning to cook: Make them feel like they are helping you with easy recipes like breakfast.
  • Learning from nature: Enhance the sensory experiences that the environment brings them - let them discover plants and trees!

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