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Advantages and disadvantages of renting your apartment to students


From Agenthia we want to explain the different advantages and disadvantages of renting your apartment to students.


  • The fact that your apartment is located in a university area makes you get a high demand, and also, it is easier to have it occupied because new students always arrive.
  • Guaranteed payments, since parents usually put guarantees in the contract. In addition, it is difficult for all tenants of the house to stop paying the monthly payment at the same time, therefore, this reduces the risk of non-payment and losses.
  • Short contracts and from time to time you can make new decisions.
  • Renting to students (between 18 and 30 years old) also provides tax advantages in the income statement.


  • Fewer months of rent, since, normally, they will want to rent it for the months of the university course.
  • Although it is not usual, one of the things that most pulls back when doing this type of rental is damage to the furniture.

It is advisable to meet the future tenants before renting the apartment. Make a list of candidates and interview the students. If possible also their parents. At Agenthia we can help you both in the selection process and in the entire rental process of your property so that your rental is a success.

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