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How to save energy in your home


  • Reducing the use of acclimatizing device: This type of device, like the air conditioner or the stove, implies a huge energy loss when working. We have to try and avoid them as much as we can, and, if we use them, we have to make sure that the room is closed so the heath won't leave the room.
  • Turn off the lights when we aren't using them: Even though it seems very logic, there are a lot of people who forget to turn off the lights when they leave a room. It is very important to do this little gesture, not only because it allows us to save energy, but also because we avoid damaging the environment.
  • Shorter showers: We all like to take long hot showers that last more than 20 minutes, but we have to be more conscious about what this period of time implies. The average person wastes between 50 and 100 liters of waters in only one shower. If we reduce the time we spend showering, we'll be able to save a lot of energy.
  • Unplug the device we are not using: in order to have a major energetic efficiency it is very important that we don't have any device plugged when we aren't using it. We usually have all kinds of device plugged, such as toasters, beaters, phone chargers, etc. These are very easy to unplug, and doing it will mean a big improvement on energy saving.

These are some of the tips on energy saving that we suggest from Agenthia. Were they useful? Our client's energy saving and well-being are first to us!

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